Schematic-Based Tools |
- VIEWlogic
- Mentor Graphics
- Managed IT for security
- Cadence Design Systems
- ALDEC Active-HDL
- Capilano Computing Systems’ Design Works
- VeriBest, Inc.
- Protel
- Tanner Research
- Capfast from Phase Three
- Morphologic rapid-development system

Logic Synthesis and Optimization |
Also see the list of VHDL and Verilog tutorials and references.
- Synopsys
- FPGA Express
- FPGA Compiler
- Exemplar Logic
- Synplicity
- VIEWlogic
- Mentor Graphics
- Cadence Design Systems
- Accolade Design Automation (see also APS)
- Compass Design Automation FPGA Design Option
- VeriBest, Inc.
- ALDEC ACTIVE-Synthesis
- XL Compiler (XC) from Giga Operations
- Logical Devices CuPL Starter Kit
- Topdown Design Solutions VBAK/VHDL generators from Xilinx XNF
- Embedded Solutions’ Handel-C
- Escalade language-based synthesis/simulation environment
- C Level Design, ANSI C-to-HDL compiler

Design Verification |
- Model Technology
- SynaptiCAD timing diagram and testbench generation software
- Quickturn Design Systems (large-scale hardware emulator)
- Aptix (medium-scale hardware emulator)
- Axis Corp
- Chronologic
- IKOS (simulation accelarator)
- Zycad (simulation accelerator)
- Pod-A-Lyzer and Silicon Explorer from Boulder Creek Engineering (low-cost logic analyzer)
- ACUGEN Software Automatic Test Generation products
- Source III, Inc. simulation data management products
- Mentor Graphics/Zeelan Technology digital signal integrity models for FPGAs
- Diagonal Systems

Programmable Logic Vendor Software |
The following are links to information of design software provided by the various programmable logic vendors. Not all vendors supply software nor do all vendors have links to their software products.
- Xilinx
- Altera
- Vantis
- Lattice
- Lucent
- Actel
- Cypress Warp2
- Atmel FPGA
- Atmel’s fully featured IDS5.0 tool for AT40K and AT6K. Free for a limited time. Normally a $995 value.
- Atmel CPLD
- QuickLogic
- Philips
- Gatefield

University or Research Languages |
- PAM-Blox object-oriented circuit generators for Xilinx XC4000 FPGAs
- Transmogrifier C (TMCC) from the University of Toronto
- EDE – Enable++ Development Environment from the Universität Mannheim
- CAD Tools for Hardware Design from the Institute for Computer Systems (Switzerland)

Other Related Software Packages |
- Morphologic rapid-development system
- Auspy Partition System for partitioning a large netlist into multiple FPGA devices
- Softronix‘ MultiMedia Logic Design System